🩊 New Avatar: Fox
The trickiest of avatars has just entered your world (sneakily, of course đŸ€«). Choose this avatar when you’re feeling sly, nocturnal (sometimes), or just want a fluffy tail and ears.
Nov-22-2023 13-11-51
👋 Refreshed push notifications
Receive browser push notification when your favorite world opens using the
“Notify me when this world opens” setting in My Account > Settings. Users can also subscribe to this notification from the enter world screen for a closed world.
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The “World Push Notifications” admin setting (found in World Settings > Integrations) is now a dropdown with 3 options: Admins Only, All Users, and Disable For All. This means World Owners and Managers can have more control over which users can see the push notification settings in My Account.
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đŸŽ„Â Video modes improvements
We added a few helpful improvements to video modes:
  • While in presentation mode, an overlay will display behind videos, and avatar movement with mouse is disabled. So, no more moving on accident when you try to use video settings in presentation mode!
  • Also, when you’re in presentation mode, videos will not fade out based on proximity (unless you completely disconnect from someone). This will allow you to watch a presentation in your proximity without visual interruption.
  • You can now pin a video from audio mode (which switches the mode to presentation mode).